Front Cover of Cape Cod Life Magazine Annual Edition

I am honored to have one of my photos on the front cover of the Cape Cod Life Magazine 2025 Annual Edition!

Click here to read the interview and see more photos!

Front Cover of Cape Cod & The Island Magazine!

One of my photos made it to the front cover of the Cape Cod & The Islands Magazine!

Click here to read the news!

Thank you Apple!

Apple has chosen me as one of their Featured photographers! I take pictures with a camera and an iPhone. I was so excited when Apple contacted me to have my pictures featured!

Click here to read the story!

Latest compliment from Canon!

I have been using Canon cameras forever. This is the latest shout out Canon gave me on my picture taken at Mayflower Beach in Dennis - Cape Cod.

Artist Cera Assel

Here is a beautiful quilt done by textile artist and teacher - Cera Assel. It is always an honor when another artist uses my work for their creations.

Click here to read the story!

Artist Kate Feder

Artist Kate Feder painted my photo of the South Dennis Public Library. It came out beautiful!

Click here to read the story!